Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
SENDCo - Mr R Pope 
Please click below to access the SEND Report information
For a list of helpful websites and links please click SEND Useful Links
For useful tips on helping your child to read,
please click Top 10 Reading Tips
For useful tips on helping your child to spell, please click Top 10 Spelling Tips
For useful tips to help your child with Maths, please click Top Maths Tips
For useful tips on how to use high frequency words flashcards click here
The expectation at Claydon High School is that all students read for at least 25 minutes every day. For students who struggle with their reading we encourage them to read aloud at home with a parent/carer or older sibling. This means that you can monitor what your child is accessing and reading, and as with any skill, the more practice that is undertaken the better they will get. Studies show that the top ten percent of students read for more than 40 minutes every day whereas the bottom ten percent read for less than 2 minutes every day. Additional research shows that students who read appropriately complex text for 25 minutes or more a day, progress at twice the rate as those who only read for 5 minutes a day.
Accessibility Plan
Please click here to access our Accessibility Plan.
Please click here to access the Parent Plan Do Review.
External Courses, Talks and Information
For more news and events, please go to https://www.suffolksendiass.co.uk/news-and-events
Irlens Information
If your child has been diagnosed by an optometrist with any of the following perceptual processing disorders: Meares-Irlens Syndrome (MIS), Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome or Visual Stress, please let the school know by emailing sendco@claydonhigh.com with details and supporting evidence so we can provide support and ensure that our records are up-to-date. Our school expectation is that students will use coloured glasses to support them with this. If you need advice or support with where to get the glasses please get in touch with the school.
Need inspiration on what books to read? You can use the ‘Book Trust Bookfinder’ to look for books to suit your tastes and interests, browse our archive of interviews with authors or just see what's out this month that should be catching your eye in the bookshop or the library. Go to www.booktrust.org.uk
Keep a list of all the books you have read in your Reading Record.
Support for Home Learning
The resources below can be used by your child to support their homework tasks. These activity sheets can either be printed for use at home or students can learn the techniques described on them and then use these methods in their school books/notepads.
Click below for PDF versions to download and print at home
Activity Grid High Five Keywords On the Other Hand Flowchart Homework Helper Bubble Map Weigh it Up
Double Bubble Map Circle Map Multi Flow Map Storyboard Write About Statement of Opinion
Online Interventions
Listed below are the online interventions that we are currently using:
Spellzone is a spelling resource suitable for all abilities and is easy to use. It is adaptable for all abilities including those with dyslexia. Students can improve their spelling as the Spellzone course teaches all the English spelling rules in a logical order, with clear explanations at each stage. This enables students to work independently in their own homes or on the go. Teachers have found that the ability to use Spellzone at home reinforces learning, other schools have reported it is popular with parents/carers as it gives them a way to support their child's spelling progress.
The Spelling Ability Test which all students do the first time they log on to Spellzone provides a baseline Spellzone Score and creates a personal Course Pathway for each student based on their result. Course Pathways may comprise of Spellzone Starter and Main Course units. All work is checked instantly and the Spellzone Scores and Course Pathways are updated according to progress made. This means that in school we can track the progress that students are making in their spelling easily. We are also able to monitor amount of time spent on the programme and activity whilst logged on.
We would recommend that all students spend 10 to 15 minutes using Spellzone daily. However, as with any skill the more amount of time spent practising the more developed you become at this skill. Every child in the school has a Spellzone log on. If you would like your child to practise their spelling at home and are unaware of their log on please contact the school office or your child’s form tutor giving your child’s name and tutor group and they will provide you with log in and password.
A video explaining this intervention can be found here.
At its heart, Renaissance Accelerated Reader is simple. A student reads a book, takes an online quiz, and gets immediate feedback. Students respond to regular feedback and are motivated to make progress with their reading skills. There is a larger amount of books and quizzes than any other reading program.
Teachers will receive a comprehensive set of reports which reveal how much a student has been reading, at what level of complexity and how well they have understood what they have read. Vocabulary growth and literacy skills are also measured.
Because students receive regular feedback from Accelerated Reader, teachers and librarians are given many opportunities to praise students for their successes and to discuss with them what they have been reading.
A video explaining this intervention can be found here.