School Uniform
Years 7 - 10

Skirts should be black, knee length, made of non-clingy fabric in a tailored design.
Trousers should be black, tailored with waistband, pockets and cover the ankle bone. Jeans/ denim fabric, leggings and three-quarter length trousers are not allowed.
Shorts should be black tailored; not Lycra.
Note: Parents/carers are advised to buy black skirts, trousers and shorts from Coes or PMG and should be aware that if purchased from high street providers, their ranges may not be acceptable under our uniform policy so please check carefully.

Coats should be warm, practical and preferably water/showerproof.
Jumpers, cardigans, short fashion jackets and “hoodies” may not be worn as a coat. “Hoodies” are banned items in school and will be confiscated.
Shoes should be plain black all over and be made of leather or a leather look material. Sensible and comfortable designs are required and for health and safety reasons, canvas material, backless shoes, open toes, ‘pumps’ which do not cover much of the foot, high heels, boots and platform shoes are not acceptable. Skate shoes, canvas shoes, plimsolls and any footwear with coloured logos or branding are not allowed.
Year 11
Plain black polo shirt, or white polo shirt with school logo
No other shirts are acceptable.
Plain black V-neck long-sleeved jumper, or school jumper with logo
No other jumpers, cardigans, fashion jackets or tops are acceptable.
The black polo shirts and jumpers do not have a logo so that students can continue to wear them after Year 11.
Make-up / Jewellery / Hair
Discreet make-up is allowed but no coloured nail varnish, gel or acrylic nails are allowed.
A watch and one discreet stud in each ear is the only permitted jewellery. No other piercings or jewellery is allowed.
Hair colours are only allowed within a 'natural' range.
Equipment for Physical Education
Red and black polo shirt and shorts: These are compulsory for all year groups and only available from Coes/PMG.
Red and black Claydon High School quarter zip training top and sports training trousers: these items are optional but they are the only permitted styles allowed to be worn by current Years 7, 8 and 9 and are therefore only available from Coes/PMG.
Years 10 and 11 may continue to wear the old-style PE jumper and plain black sports trousers.
Any permitted jewellery must be removed for Physical Education lessons.
Purchase of uniform items
School polo shirts, jumpers and PE kit should be purchased from Coes of Norwich Road, Ipswich or PMG of Westgate Street, Ipswich. Both suppliers also sell Claydon uniform online.
Click to access Coes website. Coes price list 2023 Coes information pack for parents/carers
Click to access PMG website.
Click here for more information about the GCSE PE Kit. Click access the PENDLE website to purchase an optional GCSE PE shirt. Please note - shirts and jackets with nicknames on cannot be worn at school
Financial Support
The school offers financial support for families who struggle to meet the cost of uniform; please contact the school to discuss what might be available. In addition, where the school has been donated good quality, pre-worn school uniform we can issue this to families free of charge; we welcome donations of all school uniform which is in good condition.
A secondhand uniform site is also available locally; see Claydon High School Uniform Exchange on Facebook.
The Headteacher reserves the right to make individual judgements or amendments to the above as fashions and situations arise.