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Claydon High School

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Lunch and After School Clubs

Extra-Curricular opportunities for students at Claydon High School

Below is a list of all the extra-curricular activities our staff are volunteering to offer at lunch times and after school.  You will see that there is a wide selection of activities throughout the week, and we hope many students will take up the opportunities available to them.  Please be aware of the following points:

  • This programme may be subject to change
  • Students are expected to commit themselves to activities on a half-termly basis; longer in the case of activities such as drama productions
  • The Learning Resource Centre will be open every day until 4.00pm. Students can use this opportunity to complete homework, with support
  • Some staff may set a limit to the number of participants in their activities if they prove popular. Students will be admitted on a first-come first-served basis

The school offers a minibus service to catchment villages at 4pm, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for students who attend after school activities. There is a nominal charge of 50p and students should book at the Finance Office during break time. Due to the closing time of the Finance Office, tickets will not be sold after school.

Please be aware that the minibus driver has to plan the route based on the students who have booked tickets that day and where they live. This means that the journey may take up to an hour for the last child to be dropped off.

After-school activities will usually take place every week from 3.00pm until approximately 3.50pm, unless otherwise stated. Students should see the staff concerned to confirm what date the activities will be commencing.

Please click on the blue button below to access the current list of clubs. 


Extra Curricular Clubs - Autumn 2024 coming soon!